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balcony terraform-import on Docker

balcony terraform-import command allows us to get the import blocks for the resources in our AWS account.

But it's still not generating the actual Terraform code for us. Let's fix that.

Example Recording: ec2 Insances

Docker Image

Pull the balcony-terraform-import image
docker pull

This Docker image installs balcony and terraform v.1.5+ on top of the base image.

It also copies over 2 files to image:

  • Used for terraform initialization on image build-time.
  • Bash script for running balcony terraform-import and terraform plan -gen-generate-config-out=.

How to use the balcony-terraform-import Docker image

Our Docker image has a lot of options, so it's handy to create an alias command for it.

There're multiple ways of providing these options. First, let's walk through the options.

Docker run Options

Following are docker run options for providing

  • AWS Credentials to the container,
  • (optional) defining a directory to save the generated files,
  • (optional) and enabling container debug messages

to the container.

Option: AWS Credentials

1. Mounting your AWS Credential Folder ~/.aws/

If you use AWS CLI, you can mount your ~/.aws/ folder to the container.

You'd also need to set the AWS_PROFILE and AWS_DEFAULT_REGION environment variables to select from your credential files.

Docker options for mounting ~/.aws/ folder to container
  -v ~/.aws:/root/.aws \
  -e AWS_PROFILE="default" \
  -e AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="eu-west-1" \

2. Directly giving the AWS Credentials in Env Vars

You can also directly provide the AWS Credentials in environment variables.

AWS Credentials in Environment Variables
  -e AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="eu-west-1" \

3. Directly giving the Assumed Role AWS Credentials in Env Vars

You can also directly provide an Assumed Role AWS Credentials in environment variables.

The difference is you also provide the AWS_SESSION_TOKEN environment variable.

AWS Credentials in Environment Variables
  -e AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="eu-west-1" \

Option: Output Directory

Docker image will use /balcony-output as the default output directory.

You can mount a folder you have as a volume to the container. This way you'll get the files in your local machine.

  -v $BALCONY_TF_GEN_OUTPUT_DIR:/balcony-output \
We can achieve by providing the docker run with -v <your-directory>:/balcony-output

You can also copy the output from the terminal window if you don't use this option.

Alias Commands

You can copy these alias commands to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc file to persist them.

Alias with folder mounted
# set your options here

# create the alias command, with your options
alias balcony-tf-import="mkdir -p $BALCONY_TF_GEN_OUTPUT_DIR \
    && docker pull \
    && echo \"Generated files will be saved to: $BALCONY_TF_GEN_OUTPUT_DIR\n\" \
    && docker run \
        -v ~/.aws:/root/.aws \
        -v $BALCONY_TF_GEN_OUTPUT_DIR:/balcony-output \
        --rm -it"

Brief explanation of the alias command:

  • mkdir -p $BALCONY_TF_GEN_OUTPUT_DIR: Create the output directory if it doesn't exist
  • docker pull -q Pull the newer Docker image
  • echo \"Generated files will be saved to: $BALCONY_TF_GEN_OUTPUT_DIR\n\": inform about output directory
  • docker run: runs the docker image with the options talked above. This kind of alias command is called a function-like alias, allows us to pass arguments to our
Running the 'balcony-tf-import' alias
balcony-tf-import ec2 Instances

balcony-tf-import iam Users


You can't use --output, -o or any other option with the docker image.

Docker image only accepts 2 arguments: service and resource-name.