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Export AWS API Operation Names

balcony parses the boto3, and export-aws-api-operations command will export the operation names by service as JSON.

balcony -d export-aws-api-operations

You can also save it to a file:

balcony -d export-aws-api-operations -o aws-operation-names.json

Terraform Import Multiple Resources

We can use the GNU parallel to run the import commands in parallel. This is useful when you have a lot of resources to import, or want to generate the import blocks for all of the resources in your AWS account.

First, let's list the available resource types to import, and generate the balcony terraform-import commands in a text file.

You can fill in the grep -E "" line with some regex to select resource types(e.g. grep -E "aws_s3|aws_iam")

balcony terraform-import --list \
    | awk 'NR>1 && $1!="" {print $1}' \
    | awk '{print "balcony terraform-import -d " $1 " --paginate -o " $1 ""}' \
    | grep -E "" \
    > balcony_parallel_commands.txt

Check out the generated commands in the balcony_parallel_commands.txt file.

cat balcony_parallel_commands.txt

Now we can run the commands in parallel.

parallel < balcony_parallel_commands.txt

This will write to files for each resource type.

cat * 

Generate aws-cli delete-policy commands for dev- IAM Roles

--paginate option will follow the pagination tokens to make sure that all Policies are read.

balcony aws iam Policy \
    --jmespath-selector "GetPolicy[*].Policy" \
    --format "aws iam delete-policy --policy-arn {Arn}" \
    --pattern "*dev-*" \

You can save the output to a .sh file as well

balcony aws iam Policy \
    --jmespath-selector "GetPolicy[*].Policy" \
    --format "aws iam delete-policy --policy-arn {Arn}" \
    --pattern "*dev-*" \
    --paginate \
    --output /tmp/

Generate aws-cli stop-instances commands for running instances

balcony aws ec2 Instances \
    -js "DescribeInstances[*].Reservations[*].Instances[?State.Name=='running'][][]" \
    --format "aws ec2 stop-instances --instance-ids {InstanceId} # {Tags}"

Get a list of each Object's Key in an S3 Bucket

balcony aws s3 ObjectsV2 \
    --pattern "*<your-bucket-name>*" \
    -js "ListObjectsV2[*].Contents[*].Key[]" \
    --paginate --debug

Get a list of each Object's Key/Size in an S3 Bucket & save it to file

balcony aws s3 ObjectsV2 \
    --pattern "*<your-bucket-name>*" \
    -js "ListObjectsV2[*].Contents[*].{Key: Key, Size: Size}[]" \
    --paginate --debug \
    --output /tmp/bucket_keys_and_sizes.json