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Yaml Configuration Helpers

This page contains the documentation for the helper .py files with the helper functionality for custom yaml configuration options for Resource Nodes.


Includes the pydantic definitions for the YAML configuration options.


Searches and finds the defined yaml files in the YAML_SERVICES_DIRECTORY directory that are not starting with '_'


Type Description

List[YamlService]: List of found YamlServices, created from yaml files


Parses given YAML file and returns a pydantic model: YamlService object


Name Type Description Default
yaml_file_path str

Filepath for the yaml file



Name Type Description
YamlService YamlService

Input data parsed as a pydantic YamlService object

Union[Exception, None]

Exception or None: Exception if raised during parsing, or None if successful


Yaml parsers and helper functions.


Bases: BaseModel

Defines the add and remove options for complement_api_parameters in YamlResourceNodeOperation

Source code in balcony/
class YamlComplementApiParameterAction(BaseModel):
    """Defines the `add` and `remove` options for complement_api_parameters in YamlResourceNodeOperation"""
    _ACTION_TYPES = ("add", "remove")

    action: str
    data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]
    keys: Optional[List[str]]

    def action_must_be_valid(cls, v):
        """Validates the action field. Must be 'add' or 'remove'"""
        if v not in cls._ACTION_TYPES:
            raise ValueError("action must be 'add' or 'remove'")
        return v


Validates the action field. Must be 'add' or 'remove'

Source code in balcony/
def action_must_be_valid(cls, v):
    """Validates the action field. Must be 'add' or 'remove'"""
    if v not in cls._ACTION_TYPES:
        raise ValueError("action must be 'add' or 'remove'")
    return v


Bases: BaseModel

Defines the customizations for a specific operation in a Resource Node.

Source code in balcony/
class YamlResourceNodeOperation(BaseModel):
    """Defines the customizations for a specific operation in a Resource Node."""
    operation_name: str
    jmespath_selector: Optional[str]
    complement_api_parameters: Optional[List[YamlComplementApiParameterAction]]
    explicit_relations: Optional[List[YamlRelation]]
    override_api_parameters: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]]
    pagination_token_mapping: Optional[Dict[str, str]]
    required_parameters: Optional[List[str]]


Bases: BaseModel

Defines a Service in a Yaml file. It can have multiple Resource Nodes

Source code in balcony/
class YamlService(BaseModel):
    """Defines a Service in a Yaml file. It can have multiple Resource Nodes"""
    service_name: str
    resource_nodes: Optional[List[YamlServiceResourceNode]]


Bases: BaseModel

Defines a Resource Node in a Service. It can have extra_relations and list of operations

Source code in balcony/
class YamlServiceResourceNode(BaseModel):
    """Defines a Resource Node in a Service. It can have extra_relations and list of operations"""
    resource_node_name: str
    extra_relations: Optional[List[YamlRelation]]
    operations: Optional[List[YamlResourceNodeOperation]]